Ayers Accounting LLC provides information on this website to act as a guide for its services and a general help for financial information. Ayers Accounting LLC does not provide any financial information as it relates to you and your organization on this website. While we try to regularly update this website, there are times when that is not possible. There could be old and outdated tax/financial information obtained here. Please contact us at Ayers Accounting LLC for any certain and real advice/guidance for you and your organization as it relates to up to date tax codes and GAAP standards.
For your convenience, there may be links to outside, third parties. These are provided for your ease of obtaining information and for contacting those parties for relevant information. We do not substantiate and verify any information obtained through links to outside, third parties.
Ayers Accounting LLC is an EA owned firm, not a CPA firm. While we can support you with information needed for an audit, we are unable to provide audit & attestation services.